We all know UBC staff who make outstanding contributions to the University community. We invite you to recognize them and their achievements by nominating them for the 2020 President’s Service Award for Excellence and President’s Staff Awards (Vancouver campus).
Download the nomination package: https://focusonpeople.ubc.ca/awards/presidents-awards-for-staff/
The nomination deadline is 4 pm, Friday, March 13, 2020.
President’s Service Awards for Excellence
This award is open to all UBC staff with 10 or more years of service. Up to five recipients are selected each year. The awards are presented during Graduation ceremonies, and each recipient receives a medal and $5,000.
President’s Staff Awards (Vancouver campus)
Open to all staff at the Vancouver campus with three or more years of service, the President’s Staff Awards recognize contributions in the following categories:
- Wellbeing (individuals or groups may be nominated)
- Leadership
- Creativity and Innovation
- Enhancing the UBC Experience (individuals or groups may be nominated)
- Community Engagement
- Emerging Leadership
- Advancing Diversity and Inclusion (individuals or groups may be nominated)
Up to 14 recipients are selected each year (two awards per category), and each recipient receives $2,000.
Note: UBC staff who work at sites such as the Malcolm Knapp Research Forest, the Dairy Education and Research Centre, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Robson Square, and hospital sites in the Vancouver Fraser, Northern, and Island Medical Programs are considered part of the Vancouver campus. UBC staff who are part of the Southern Medical Program are considered part of the Okanagan campus.
View our past recipient profiles and read about their contributions to making UBC a great place to work, learn, and research.