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Discount programs encourage use of public transit

Discount programs encourage use of public transit

  A number of pilot initiatives help reduce emissions during employees’ commute to campus by offering discounts for local transit. ProPASS Pilot Program UBC Okanagan faculty and staff are eligible to enroll in the ProPASS program to receive 15% discount off regular adult monthly bus passes for a minimum of one four-month Pass Period. Initially […]

Resources to support effective performance conversations

Resources to support effective performance conversations

At UBC, we have shifted from the traditional model of performance review to ongoing performance conversations — thoughtful and productive two-way conversations focused on helping employees to grow in their careers, tapping into the employee’s strengths and adding new skills, and looking ahead. A performance conversation is largely driven by the employee, with the supervisor […]

UBC’s leadership development initiative

UBC’s leadership development initiative

UBC is committed to the ongoing development of faculty and staff leaders at every level of the organization. Leadership is a shared responsibility where we live the vision and values that lead to excellence in teaching, research, learning and engagement for a better world. Informed by this leadership philosophy, UBC has articulated a leadership framework […]

Our research in focus

Our research in focus

UBC consistently ranks as one of the world’s top research universities. Globally connected, we attract the highest-calibre research faculty and students and more than $750 million in research funding each year across both our Vancouver and Okanagan campuses. In partnership with universities, industries, government and communities worldwide, our research discoveries are hugely influential. They are […]

Reimagining the future of work

Reimagining the future of work

In 2021, UBC launched a remote work pilot for faculty and staff to reimagine how we work at the university. The Remote Work program helps to create a flexible workplace environment that supports a range of institutional goals, including the attraction and retention of faculty and staff, as well as our commitments to inclusion, wellbeing, […]